Lit For Life 2016 (Chennai’s Literature Festival)


Day 1 Recap

Day 2 &3 Recap   ]



Come January 15th, the best three days of the year begin for me with Chennai’s Literature Fest (officially called Lit For Life) organized by The Hindu. 

Conducted over three days and comprising numerous interviews and panel discussions with authors and other popular personalities from India and abroad, it is the most ‘intellectual’ place to be around for sure. The written word is mightier than anything, and this is a great chance for anyone who loves the world of books (and the stories and intent behind them) to put on their thinking caps and witness interesting conversations unfold on the stage.

I attended the fest last year and was in a state of rapture the whole time. The very first interview was with Eleanor Catton who was so inspiring that it gave me a literal high. Some of the other discussions were dry, I’ll give you that; but on the whole, just the amount of connect I felt to that world felt so surreal and over-whelming. It’s also when I had the ultimate kick in the gut and realized that this is where I belonged. The world of books and stories and publishing. I dunno if my dreams of becoming an author will ever see fruition, but my oh my is that what I really want!

So if you’re around Chennai during the Pongal weekend (the fest conveniently falls on holidays this time) and if you think this is something you’re gonna enjoy then you should definitely give it a go.

How To Register: 

Registration is free and I’m sure they’ll have spot-registrations as well but it’s safer to register online beforehand, just in case. You just have to visit this link, give your details and you’ll be given a conformation to your mobile and Email address immediately, voila!

You can browse the above website for the complete program for the three days. Some of the prominent talkers this year will include Amish Tripathi, Devdutt Pattanaik, Alexander McCall Smith, Barkha Dutt and so on…

Dates: January 15,16,17

Location: Sir Mutha Venkatasubba Rao Concert Hall,
Lady Andal School, Shenstone Park,
#13/1, Harrington Road Chetpet
Chennai, Tamil Nadu

6 thoughts on “Lit For Life 2016 (Chennai’s Literature Festival)

  1. Oh, you have no idea how excited this got me, Uday. I literally had a screaming debate with myself about how I NEED to go to this regardless of anything else. I even had a discussion with my dad and gave him the ‘what are you talking about’ look when he said that I needed to stop and weigh my options now. Thing is, that I’ve got my SAT on the 23rd and I just CAN’T mess that up. So plan is to stay home and prep, prep, prep.
    Lol, pardon me when I go on about my stupidly occupied schedule. I would’ve loved to go though! Thanks for giving me this jolt of excitement that all the world’s not boring and nonsensical like my curriculum 😛 will surely join in next year. But board exams *cringes*.
    Okay. Tell me all about it. I’m counting on you. Or hit me up on social media if you ain’t doing a Literature Valley travelogue thingy. Enjoy and make the best of it 🙂 the agenda by itself sounds mind blowing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Literature Valley travelogue…haha, I love how you come up with stuff like that. Though, seriously, I think I will do a post after the event. How through will I be, that is the question 😛 And in any case, some of the sessions do end up as Youtube videos after a while so you can catch up after all 🙂 And yes, you don’t really want to jeopardize your SAT right now as it’s the most important exam as of now, so I totally get it!
      Guess I have to put on my reporter hat then. 🙂


  2. Ah, yes, hadn’t thought about the YouTube possibility. Haha, some some hope now.
    🙂 yup, looking forward to it. Something cool will definitely come out of this year’s session! That dream of yours doesn’t seem far from reach 😉


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