WPC: Look Up

Sometimes, what’s above can be more interesting than what’s in front of you. In fact, pointing your camera at awkward angles is the best way to get unconventional photos! 🙂

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For WPC: Look Up

WPC: Partners

Here’s my possibly silly submission for Partners, but I’m gonna run with it anyway.

I know I haven’t been photographing much lately and seriously need to get my mojo back; truth is I haven’t been venturing out that much. But I got this out of my weekend’s ride to Lake Hussain Sagar at least.

You can’t tell from my B/W processing, but the two trash cans are colored green and blue respectively. One for biowaste and the other for everything else. Though you can pretty much guess that nobody cares a damn about the segregation. Some people would even scoff at the stupidity of having two trash cans next to each other!


(No brownie points for noticing the Indian flag, second tallest in the country!) 

WPC: Spare

Well in a country as densely populated as India, it’s actually pretty hard to find a place that’s totally uninhabited by people. So no matter where you are there will always be at least one person or a hint of human activity on the horizon around you.

For some people this is a good thing, as to this is why nobody can ever feel completely alone and lost in India.  But I still wanna go somewhere where it’s just me all around. No hint of life, and no not even a cow lazily strutting on the meadows. Dunno why I feel like this though, inner peace? 

Yet, sometimes I get close enough. And this was one of those moments. Just staring into the beyond I suppose.


For Weekly Photo Challenge: Spare

WPC: Earth

The good people at WordPress have chosen Earth as the theme for this week’s Photo Challenge. It’s fitting to give a tribute to Mother Earth with Mother’s day just around the corner.

Always full of surprises, our planet is full of inspiration. I get it from the calm and comfort of the sea and the pretty colorful flora. You probably are tired of hearing that though. 🙂

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Just staring into the beyond…!
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Human infestation in the background.
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So. Damn. Magnetic.
Those petals caught the sunlight so beautifully…

7-Day Nature Challenge – Day 3

The sea, of course, is a constant presence in my photos.

Even here, when the focus undividedly goes to the flower, the sea is still there in the background, adding another layer of intrigue.

I was also quite surprised by the kind of bokeh my phone achieved.

Location: North Cliff, Varkala, Kerala
