Photo 101: Water

No one can think of ‘Chennai’ and ‘Water’ and not shiver at the devastating floods of December 2015. For a city that had always suffered from water scarcity, Chennai suddenly had too much water. Too much, in fact, that many buildings had gotten submerged up to the second floor! Nature had unleashed its wrath and humanity shuddered. But somehow, we made it out of it and the whole things remains a morbid memory.

As I was stuck indoors the whole time, I do not unfortunately have any first-hand photos of the tragedy but this photo below was actually taken just a week before the rains intensified. This is the Chengalpattu Lake which is towards the southern part of Chennai and you can see it brimming with water already!

Also in view is the Chengalpattu railway station and a suburban train.



This is my contribution for Day 3’s prompt of Photo 101. Click here to see my other entries.

5 thoughts on “Photo 101: Water

    • LOL nope! I am a software developer 😀 But my dad works on the railway so maybe it has rubbed off a little on me. But this should be the last railway photo for now though.


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