WPC: Happy Place

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Happy Place.”

I have a lot of Happy Places. You people already know that beaches are one. I can also actually be stuck in my house, with a book or a spatula or a game controller in my hand and call it my happy place. Or the times I visit my family, when I don’t have to do anything other than eating and sleeping, that’s a happy place too! 🙂

And recently I have added one more to the list. Cabin in the woods. The ones without a secret basement, I mean.

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Isn’t it lovely? Surrounded by trees and birds, waking up to a soothing breeze every morning. Far away from all the noises and ruckus. This is a wonderful place to do some creative work like writing or painting or whatever.

Shot at my recent trip to Kemmangundi, Karnataka.

17 thoughts on “WPC: Happy Place

  1. How’s you? That shack in your picture brings gooeebumps to me. I need to admit that you are so lucky to have time and will to visit such places. Great to see many more of these posts. Keep them going.

    If I could ask, do you have a wishlist?


    • Hey Replica, I’m great thanks! Well, I think as long as you have the resolve, you will always find good places to visit. It’s easier for me as I don’t mind traveling alone as well. And yet, I’ve not even scratched the surface. So much to see. In India, I have Kashmir and Rajasthan on my wish list. Outside, Rome-Venice-Florence is my golden triangle 😀


  2. You HAVE seen “Cabin in the Woods”, right? 😛 And after watching “The Evil Dead”, a cabin out into the deep deserted jungles is something I wanna stay away from 😀
    Yes, I was easily scared as a child 😥


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