MFtS: Threat

This post is written for the Monday’s Finish the Story Challenge.

Photo credit: Barbara Beacham

“Where did they go?”

Urul-Ai peeped through a hole in the ruined wall. The open field stretched in front of him, but there was no sign of the lions. Uri-Mai was taking deep struggled breaths, still very much in shock. The sun shone mercilessly from above, and they were parched.

‘Where did they go, brother??’ she asked again, a bit agitatedly. She was the one who woke him up today morning, and to his horror alerted him to the three lions out in the field. They lay low ever since, keeping a careful watch.

“I cannot see them at all,” he whispered. The afternoon was at its peaks now, and he wondered if the lions had gone for a drink in the pool.

Then suddenly, he heard a faint roar. Then a moment of silence. And then there was it again, this time much more closer.

‘RUN!!!!’ he yelled at Uri-Mai. She flung her bow and quiver over her shoulder and dashed after him.


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