10 Things Not To Say To A Hobbyist Photographer

Every photographer has heard these at some point or the other.

10. Oh, everyone’s a photographer these days!

Meh. State obvious much?

9. Can you take the exact same photo of me like that you took last week?

Yes, you obviously know everything about photography.

8. This photo is great but something is off about it!

Do you mind showing me how it’s done then? You can’t? Then shut up!

7. So tell me, what Instagram filter did you use to achieve this effect?

Oh you’re so cute!

6. Omg! I look so fat in your photo!!

That’s because YOU ARE FAT!! Dumbo.

5. Here, I’ll stand beside this monkey. Take a cool photo of me!

Oh yes, your highness, I’ve got nothing better to do!!

4. You shot this? No way!! Tell me from where you downloaded it from?

Thanks for your unwavering confidence in me. But…on second thought, I guess I’ll take that as a compliment.

3. Ptch, come let’s go! You’ve taken enough taken photos already! It’s not like you’re a professional photographer or anything.


2. If only I had your camera, I bet I could take great photos too!

The wand is only as powerful as the wizard! Now repeat this sentence 100 times.

1. Your camera takes beautiful photos!

Your mouth makes wonderful compliments!

I had great fun writing the above! Did you come across any such great lines too from your friends? Do let me know!

13 thoughts on “10 Things Not To Say To A Hobbyist Photographer

  1. Haha! Nice list. I’ve heard number 4 a lot of times because of my macro photography. Bet you would have too.

    And sometime when we have to take a photo of someone beside a monkey, the monkey looks better than the subject. Don’t you think?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh yes, no.4 and No.3 too I hear quite often! It’s irritating to the core and I just console myself by saying that some people just do not understand ‘art’. 😛

      Oh and monkey definitely. Personally, I don’t like to shoot people so my focus is gonna be on the monkey anyway 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Not photography, But this applies to all art forms…
    AS a Jewelry Designer I have few questions asked almost everytime I meet someone new…there is like a mandatory rule to ask these 2 questions without fial. and they really annoy the shit out of me too…

    Are these real diamonds and gold??? My answer- WTF??!! No I meant glass and copper when I stated diamond jewelry

    Are all these designed by you or do you buy them??? – fuck off already!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hahaha aaww so sorry to hear you have to listen to this nonsense 😛 Btw this doesn’t just go for hobbyist photographers, even professionals have to deal with such idiotic comments from time to time! A friend of mine is a professional photographer and she’s ALWAYS angry whenever she goes for event coverage anywhere.


  4. LOL 😀 just stick your tongue out to stupid people who say stuff like this (in our head preferably, just to retain the dignity and professionalism :P)
    Your photographs rock either way. =D


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