8 thoughts on “Up Above In The Sky

    • Ah, only if you are ready to sit in front of a computer for 8 hours every day, writing and fixing code that makes no sense! 😛 😛 That’s my real life, lol.

      But anyway, as Jaqen would say:
      Valar Coderis

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      • I’m pretty sure Jaqen doesn’t say All Men Must Code 😛
        And if I’ll get to see such a beautiful scenery even for 5 mins a day then I’m ready to be a coder slave for life 😀


      • LOL! Yea he wouldn’t, sadly 😉

        And yea, beautiful scenery is a must! Though in these days of concrete jungles, it’s increasingly becoming difficult to feel closer to nature, that’s why I take leisure trips as much as possible 🙂

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